
How to reduce belly fat according to American standards

Losing belly fat is not as easy as many people think. The usual ways to reduce belly fat also require perseverance, especially a combination of eating and exercising. In this article, Ainibe Beauty will introduce the technology of  reducing belly fat according to American standards  that is being widely applied today.

How to reduce belly fat according to American standards
Causes of belly fat

According to the survey, people in big cities often have more belly fat than in rural areas. Office workers have more belly fat than manual workers. This can see that the cause of belly fat is very much related to the eating habits and activities of each person. But that’s not all. Experts say that the body accumulates fat in the abdominal area due to many different reasons.


Researchers have shown that genetics is the primary cause of determining where fat is located on the body. This means that 2 people have the same diet and activities, but not everyone has belly fat. According to genetics, fat will be distributed in areas such as thighs, abdomen, face, shoulders… This difference also depends on gender and physical condition. For example, people with a pear-shaped body are prone to fat in the abdomen and thighs, while an apple-shaped body is prone to fat in the chest and abdomen …

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Eating habit

What you eat every day is also part of the cause of belly fat, but not all. Therefore,  how to reduce belly fat by dieting method is not as effective as many people think. Of course, a healthy diet, enough calories each day will help keep the body healthy. The internal organs also function smoothly and without the accumulation of excess fat.

Exercise habits

Sitting a lot, being lazy, not exercising are also the leading causes of belly fat. This is common in office workers due to the typical nature of their work. Being sedentary will make calories not released, over time will accumulate and turn into fat. If you regularly exercise like walking, jogging, calories will be burned and released through the excretory system, such as sweat.

Style of life

Staying up late, insomnia, drinking, stress… all affect your weight. And if you are a person who has a tendency to accumulate fat in the abdomen, it will not be difficult to understand when you have belly fat. But with excess fat in any part of the body, it is not good, both affecting aesthetics and affecting health.

Can you really lose belly fat?

There are two types of belly fat: visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. Compared with subcutaneous fat, visceral fat is more dangerous because it is the fat that surrounds the internal organs, affecting health. And subcutaneous fat will affect the physique, cause loss of confidence and make the body look heavier. Of course, your body can still have both types of belly fat at the same time.

So can belly fat be reduced?

Many people think that, in any part of the fat, it only needs to affect that part. For example, belly fat, just crunching or exercising abs can get rid of belly fat. This is completely wrong thinking. The researchers did a lot of tests and they found that the exercises could not reduce the local fat in a certain area. This means that when you lose belly fat, you will simultaneously reduce all areas of the body. Many girls often have the question whether only reducing belly fat without reducing the first round or other parts, the answer is no.

The researchers also pointed out that even if you do “how to reduce belly fat” such as local massage or hot compress on the abdomen, it is not effective. Unless using slimming technologies. However, if using technologies, fat will be reduced in the abdomen quickly, but also quickly re-gain if you are completely dependent.

Therefore, the most effective way to reduce belly fat is to reduce it comprehensively, combining many different methods. You need to thoroughly overcome the causes of belly fat. Combine maintenance with diet and exercise to keep in shape.

How to reduce belly fat according to American standards

Currently,  Ainibe Beauty is applying technology to reduce belly fat according to American standards. This is a technology that has been approved by the US FDA for safety and effectiveness. In particular, it is not a method of abdominal liposuction, so it does not leave scars, no sequelae and no downtime.

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Ainibe Beauty’s belly fat reduction technology combines 6 treatments that give the best results for belly fat loss, including:

■ Liquefaction technology: This technology will help soften the belly fat under the skin, turning hard-to-break fat into easily decomposed fat.

■ Cavitation technology: This new technology works according to physical muscles, helping to reduce up to 32% of the thickness of the abdominal fat layer. In 2016, this technology was approved by the US FDA to reduce belly fat effectively and safely.

■ Laser technology: Uses a laser that focuses only on fatty tissues and removes them. This is to prevent excess fat from returning.

■ Skin tightening technology: Along with reducing belly fat, Ainibe Beauty’s modern technology also helps to tighten the abdominal skin. Along with the liquefaction of fat is the stimulation of collagen to help increase skin firmness and elasticity, making the bust appear slimmer.

■ Emscupling and Hifem Technology: These are the 2 latest FDA-approved technologies for muscle gain and fat loss. Combine with the above technologies to increase the maximum efficiency of fat loss.

■ Finally, the herbal heating and acupressure system will help stimulate the excretory system to eliminate excess fat and toxins from the body.

With this how to reduce belly fat , customers can lose from 15 – 30cm after a course of treatment. A course of only 10 sessions, and 1 session only takes about 60 minutes. The process is also very gentle and relaxing, so customers love it.

Tips to avoid belly fat

As mentioned, losing belly fat is a rather arduous journey and requires perseverance. Applying Ainibe’s American standard how to reduce belly fat  can shorten the time to reduce belly fat. But, in order to maintain the effectiveness of this method, and any other method of reducing belly fat, certain rules must be followed.

Things you should do:

■ Learn about fat, sugar and foods high in sugar and fat to limit in your daily menu. There are foods that need to be completely eliminated if you want to maintain a slim and toned body. For example: greasy fast food; soft drinks, carbonated water… Instead, add a little low-fat yogurt or soft cheese to your daily diet to support fat burning.

■ Divide into several meals, and each meal is small instead of eating less but eating more. You can eat 3 main meals as 2 snacks. Besides, balance the menu so that it has enough protein, fiber, less starch and less fat. Just top up the amount you need!

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